Valentina Bagniya

Chief Marketing Officer

Valentina is synonymous with marketing and strategy. Her strength and determination have led SOFTSWISS to new milestones. As a result, she has been recognised among the top 20 professionals in the iGaming industry. She is currently one of the most prominent figures at SOFTSWISS and has held the position of Chief Marketing Officer since 2020.

Before becoming a Marketing and IT industry icon with SOFTSWISS, Valentina had very successful stints in companies such as Heineken, Nestlé, and Lidskoe Pivo (part of Olvi Plc).

Valentina is the driving force behind the company’s Marketing Department. She leads a multi-disciplinary team whose achievements have been acknowledged by industry accolades. During three years at SOFTSWISS, she transformed the Marketing Department from a five-person team into a comprehensive in-house marketing agency in charge of brand, events, PR, content marketing, creative, and employer brand.

Her passion for reading and her tenacious personality led her to possess an academic background, including a Master’s in Information and Communication at BSU, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences and a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) at BSU, School of Business and Management Technology. 

Marketing Strategy
Business Strategy
Growth Strategies
Change Management
Product Management
Employer Branding
People Development
Marketing Strategy
Business Strategy
Growth Strategies
Change Management
Product Management
Employer Branding
People Development
Marketing Strategy
Business Strategy
Growth Strategies
Change Management
Product Management
Employer Branding
People Development
Marketing Strategy
Business Strategy
Growth Strategies
Change Management
Product Management
Employer Branding
People Development
Marketing Strategy
Business Strategy
Growth Strategies
Change Management
Product Management
Employer Branding
People Development
Marketing Strategy
Business Strategy
Growth Strategies
Change Management
Product Management
Employer Branding
People Development
Marketing Strategy
Business Strategy
Growth Strategies
Change Management
Product Management
Employer Branding
People Development
Marketing Strategy
Business Strategy
Growth Strategies
Change Management
Product Management
Employer Branding
People Development
Marketing Strategy
Business Strategy
Growth Strategies
Change Management
Product Management
Employer Branding
People Development
Marketing Strategy
Business Strategy
Growth Strategies
Change Management
Product Management
Employer Branding
People Development

Latest articles

In the Press
December 30, 2023
2024 iGaming Trends
Valentina Bagniya, Chief Marketing Officer at SOFTSWISS, speaks on 2024 iGaming Trends.
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In the Press
September 11, 2023
Driving Force of Marketing Excellence
Valentina Bagniya, Chief Marketing Officer at SOFTSWISS, discussess builing marketing team from scratch wit...
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Facts and Figures

Unveiling the numbers behind the narrative
#1 SOFTSWISS' position in media
3 Industry awards for marketing and branding


Hear directly from the minds behind the SOFTSWISS mission. Their thoughts, encapsulated.
"Per aspera ad astra": To reach the heights, don't be afraid to surround yourself with people who are more intelligent and more professional than you, and avoid being consumed by mediocre minds.
Valentina Bagniya
Chief Marketing Officer

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